
Monday, 4 October 2010

Juggling roles – life, motherhood, art and the hiatus that wasn’t.

The joy of a personal blog is that you can do as you please – change your mind or go off at a tangent. A comment to ‘Different times, different media’ caused me to stop and reflect. I realised that I had left out quite a bit. So, instead of the topic I had in mind, I’d like to expand on the hiatus that, in fact, was hardly a hiatus at all.
Sure, I didn’t do much painting but it’s not as though I stopped. During the years the children were growing up I did a short spell of high school relief teaching - English and History. Then, surprisingly, a year of teaching Grade 2 children. Today the thought of teaching thirty children aged between seven and eight fills me with quiet horror.
Over a period of about twelve years, also on my list were illustrations for a series of Children’s school readers. For a year I gave private art classes. I made mosaic designs for swimming pools and school badges. Somehow this segued into the design and construction of garden water features and a garden landscaping business. In fact, on remembering all these activities, I feel quite exhausted. I’m surprised I found time to bring up the children – fortunately they seem to have turned out just fine.
Life has a way of happening rather than one being able to follow a specific plan. In fact, often plans have to be abandoned, when something else takes you down a new pathway. All these things I have done make for a very interesting life – I can’t say I have ever had time to be bored.
Eventually I decided that I’d had enough of other stuff and was going to paint full time.
But, oops, I landed up instead buying a retail business. I have learnt such a lot about business, developed unexpected skills, and met such interesting people. It’s twelve years later and once again the new/old plan is being revived. Finally, perhaps, I am now ready to be a painter and to teach, something I trained for years ago.


  1. What an impressive presentation- fantastic to be able to share these experiences and am privileged to count you as a friend.

  2. Making the decision is the first part. Congratulations Carol!!!!!
    Making your work schedule is the next step ...sticking to it is the third step. Being a blogger is very helpful, especially when you are starting out. Make a commitment to yourself, announce it on your blog and now you will be forced to "have your nose to the grindstone."Paint on!

  3. Thanks for stopping by, loriann. Sometimes making the decision is the easy part - it's the follow -up to that initial committment that is often hard. I can't wait to be over the next few weeks so I can get started.
